New Delhi: Suresh Kalmadi has been arrested for corruption and fraud. The Party Congress, has suspended him.
Mr morning Kalmadi was interrogated by the Central Bureau of investigation (CBI) for the fourth time on a slate of contracts which saw the most expensive companies hired for equipment and services for the Commonwealth Games held in India in September.
Mr Kalmadi served as Chairman of the organisation has already epnixan at the end of corruption. Group Kalmadi was supposed habit of handing out contracts to companies that provide equipment or services at exorbitant prices. allegedly ignored reasonable offers from other companies.
Today, the share used by today's Mr Kalmadi blames conspiring to ensure that a Swiss company was recruited in exorbitant prices for Clock and scoreboard equipment used on different sites for the games.
Many of the closest aides of Mr Kalmadi already arrested Lalit Bhanot-including, who served as the Secretary of the Organizing Committee and V K Verma, who was the General Manager.
While the role of Mr Kalmadi has long suspected, the CBI believes it has sufficient evidence to prove corruption. "Better late than never," was the official response of the BJP for the news of the arrest of Mr Kalmadi.
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