The Union Pacific railroad began building today a controversial fence which will remove a shortcut for downtown monitor Davis for the inhabitants of the district between Interstate 80 and the railroad.
City Officials announced that the railway began work on a fence to close the historic gates of Slater and Davis Mobile Estates under olive drive across from the train Depot Davis. The gates have been applied for decades and provides access to the store and downtown Davis for the inhabitants of olive drive.
Union Pacific officials said that the fence is necessary to put an end to what they call illegal and dangerous practice of people walking across the tracks of the railroad. A month of last year, authorities scans made 68 people for trespassing and sent warnings in 110 other train station near the Davis.
City staff members and the Mayor met with representatives of the Union Pacific Thursday to discuss security issues in the store and in olive oil, and drive the implementation of the city in California for a public crossing at grade of oil between the neighborhood and the depot driveAccording to a release issued today new town.
The city has updated Union Pacific that does not support the closing of the gates without an approved alternative to grade crossing. The city also requested 48 hours notice prior to the Union Pacific began construction work to close the gates and start creating the fence, the news release says.
City officials said they were disappointed that the Union Pacific had chosen to proceed with construction. They said that the city is committed to address the issues of access for the residents of olive drive.
They argue that the fence will create emergency access and evacuation issues for neighborhood olive drive.
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