Brancusi The Kiss
Today on 19th February 2011, Constantin Brancusi’s 135th birthday is being celebrated. Google has honoured him just like many other figures of history of art. As a result to this, Google made its own Google Doodle in honour of Brancusi for today.
Doodle of today is showcasing a few created sculptures of Brancusi. The reflection of different sculptures of Brancusi is revealed from different materials used in different objects to reflect work of Brancusi.

For showing GOOGLE in Branchusi’s style of sculptures, different objects of different materials have been joined in a way to make a G-O-O-G-L-E. The material of these sculptures is stone, wood and bronze. The objects representing words of GOOGLE are Promethues, Sleeping Muse, Bird in Space, Mademoiselle and The Kiss.
Brancusi was in reality a carpenter; he also had training of stonemason. 1904 was the year when he came to Paris, he got influence of African art work and Oriental work of art. Rodin had his influence on Brancusi. This influence reveals from his artwork. Brancusi wanted to simplify his work. Many sculptures of Brancusi reflected this idea of him. The continuity of his career polished his made sculptures. Then he started his work by smooth pictures’ carving on bronze and marble. He used wood and stone along with Bronze and marble to make his sculptures.
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