Harris Hotel and Residences Riverview Kuta are bright places for staying of tourists and travellers. This is a comprehensive hotel which is located near Kuta Beach of Bali.
Guestrooms for staying of people are of modern type. Their layouts are beautifully structured. These give very attractive contrast of the rustic feel of this area. Fun is guranteed at beach and within the town. Inside activities of this hotel of Bali will care for the rest of your needs. Those who have travelled for vacations, excatly understand the importance of staying area.

The hotel is located at only 15 minutes drive from Kuta beach and Legian Shopping Center. It has 184 units of rooms. Residencies of hotel are of single and double rooms. The hotel has four swimming pools, a café, Kids club and Italian cuisine.
Though it is at a little distance from nearest location, but people enjoy their stay at this place. Rooms of hotel are clean and staff of hotel is very keen to understand your needs for evaluation of their services for you. Rooms are nice and food provided is at very competitive prices. Hotel rooms are equipped with fridges, tv and kitchens. Hotel staff can provide you tabletennis equipment to play the gain. Similarly you can use internet in hotel. Swimming pools are also clean and filled with fresh water. This hotel provide the best price to the money what you pay for your stay at this hotel.
Riverview Harris Hotel Bali in Kuta
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