Transvestite Meanings
Transvestism is derived from word ‘Transvestite’. Transvestism means cross-dressing. So if some male wears the clothes of females, the term ‘Transvestite’ will define him perfectly. The beginning of ‘Transvestism’ happened in 1910, but the phenomenon of Transvestism was not new even at that time. The cross-dressing phenomena according to The Holy Bible, goes back to Ethiopia. In many meanings, ‘Transvestite’ term is still under changes.

For understanding the complete meanings of this world, this would be necessary to study the phenomena in its roots.
Magnus Hirschfeld used ‘Transvestism’ in Latin language. The word represented the interest of a person to wear the dress of his opposite sex. The grouping what Hirschfeld did to people of ‘Transvestite’ type are asexual, bisexual, homosexual and heterosexual. By himself, Hirschfeld was not happy with the use of this term ‘transvestite’ to descibe as the title of his made divisions. However Hirschfeld’s help came to people to change their name with respect to their type.
Hirschfeld had noticed that many times people were sexually aroused due to ‘Transvetism’. He differentiated ‘Transvestism’ as a contra-sexual activity of a person. With all the divisions what Hirschfeld brought to ‘transvestism’ a large group was still left with no name. This group is neither gay nor transexual.
This group has its own identity.These were men who wear feminine clothes. They did not like the word ‘travestite’ to use for their identity. Therefore they coined themselves with the word ‘cross-dressers’.

These men are admired by women for their clothings.
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