Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm not pregnant – I just had my dinner!

I'm not pregnant – I just had my dinner!

Kerri Dowdswell trim is a young woman who has no problem fitting in a size 10 jeans … until this is eating dinner.
The 23-year-old has a mystery which means minutes after eating a meal that the stomach becomes so inflated that strangers have information to give life.
Within hours, the stomach has shrunk back to normal size – but the problem has got so bad that Kerri now wears maternity trousers when going for dinner.
Babies food: this is, after Kerri ate a small slice of cherry pie
Babies food: this is, after Kerri ate a small slice of cherry pie. This method returns the image of normal size 10 after a few hours

Treaty of Kerri – referred to as the "baby food" – confusing doctors, who have spent a decade trying to discover the cause.
Tests for food allergies and intolerances all come back negative and despite various groups from cutting methodically foods from the diet, nothing has stopped the Kerri bloating episodes.
These shocking images of extreme stomach received just half an hour after she nibbled a little slice of cherry pie.

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